Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week #3 Current Event

So for Week #3's Current Event, my group chose this video is of a second grade teacher using technology to get students excited about math. Using games or technology is a great way to teach children since it's something "fun" and also educational. In the video, the teacher also mentions that since it is mainly independent work, he can go around and give extra help to those who need it. The students are able to work at their own pace and the computer games also serve as another teacher in a way because it gives students immediate feedback on their work. This is a good way to teach visual and mathematical learners because they are seeing the math problems and are able to work them out. It's almost like having a teacher for each student! This specific class also used things like individual white boards (for the students to work out problems on), iPads, and tablets in addition to the computer programs.

See Video Here