Monday, November 26, 2012

Task 3-5 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

I suggested using a rubric program for our assignment this week.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

I was this week's team leader and facilitator.

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

Little things like "great job," "that's a good idea," etc.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Task 3-4 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

I suggested we Skype our meeting because it's easier to explain things by talking rather than typing.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

I was in charge of making the slides for the portfolio assessment and doing the ScreenR presentation.

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

I helped support my group by finishing my assignment on time and encouraged my team members to keep doing our best.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

Did the ScreenR presentation have to be exactly 5 minutes? Group 2's ended up being more like 4 minutes and 50-some seconds.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Task 3-3 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?

I got my team started on ideas for our scenario and we've worked on adding more details to our scenario.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?

I was in charge of writing/keeping track of our guiding thoughts.

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?

By giving little comments/encouragement like "great idea," "you did a good job on that," or "I like that idea." I helped support my team by getting my part done on time and sending a member the chat log from a meeting she was unable to attend.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?

We apparently forgot the part about including technology to assist our students in their learning, but I think we've got that fixed now.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Task_3-2 Reflection

1.    What roles did the members of your team have this week?
I was the facilitator this week. Kaleo and I had Question 1 and Shannon and Makana had Question 2. Shannon reserved our meeting time. Makana did the SLO form.
2.    Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?

I facilitated for our current event, helped come up with SLO suggestions, and brainstormed with the group about our PBL lesson plan subject and grade level.

3.    What worked well this week?

 We all knew a little more about what we were supposed to get done this week as opposed to last week's craziness. Shannon did well taking charge while Makana and Kaleo were encouraging and kept us on track.

4.    What will you do differently next time.

 I think we definitely should get started earlier in the week if possible to be sure that we have everything done by the end of the week.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Current Event Week 11

This is an article that is sort of like a lesson plan that I found on

Student Led Parent Teacher Conference

This lesson plan shows teachers a way to have students be more involved with their PT conferences. This teacher is a supporter of student led parent teacher conferences because it helps relieve students' anxiety, lets the student reflect and be responsible for their academic progress, helps students develop better speaking skills, and might help increase parental involvement/attendance to the conferences.

Basically, this teacher lets students use PowerPoint to show how they feel they are doing. They give themselves a letter grade on life skills that are used in class (i.e. - focus, respect, following directions, responsibility, etc.). Students are also allowed to list their strengths and moments they are proud of and they are allowed to ask for help from their parents and teacher (i.e. - they don't feel like they are really good at reading and would like extra help).

Our group liked this article because one of us actually experienced a student led parent teacher conference where their child prepared a speech and showed their work. They were more comfortable because they were able to show Mom their work and weren't as anxious about the conference.