1. Share the web address url of your groups ScreenR presentation. Group 2 Pueo - Final PBL ScreenR presentation 2. Reflect on your contributions and how you contributed to making your group a success? Throughout the course of this semester, I've been facilitator/leader for my group 3-4 times, presented our PowerPoint on Authentic Assessment, put together the blog for our current events a few times, did my forums, and encouraged and praised my fellow Pueo members. With every assignment, I tried my best to turn my part in on time so we could finish our assignments by the due date.
Problem Based Learning mimics real life situations that students may encounter. Working in team or working collaboratively are skills they will need to use later in life such as job assignments and college group presentations. Since PBL strives to make the scenario as real as possible, using teams is a logical choice.
2. What are some of the problems you see in student teams?
Possible problems that may occur in student teams include clashing of personalities, students who do the work and students who do not, time management, conflicts in how to do the assignment, and who is the leader and assigns each person a job.
3. What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams?
Assign a leader for each task or week, use peer and self evaluations, and have students talk it out with the teacher as the mediator (not the problem solver. Students need to learn to resolve conflicts on their own sometimes).
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week? Not really.
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week? I suggested using a rubric program for our assignment this week.
2. What role did you play on your team this week? I was this week's team leader and facilitator. 3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
Little things like "great job," "that's a good idea," etc. 4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week? No.
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week? I suggested we Skype our meeting because it's easier to explain things by talking rather than typing.
2. What role did you play on your team this week?
I was in charge of making the slides for the portfolio assessment and doing the ScreenR presentation.
3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week? I helped support my group by finishing my assignment on time and encouraged my team members to keep doing our best.
4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week? Did the ScreenR presentation have to be exactly 5 minutes? Group 2's ended up being more like 4 minutes and 50-some seconds.
1. What ideas have you contributed to your team this week? I got my team started on ideas for our scenario and we've worked on adding more details to our scenario. 2. What role did you play on your team this week?
I was in charge of writing/keeping track of our guiding thoughts. 3. How did you encourage and support your team members this week? By giving little comments/encouragement like "great idea," "you did a good job on that," or "I like that idea." I helped support my team by getting my part done on time and sending a member the chat log from a meeting she was unable to attend. 4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
We apparently forgot the part about including technology to assist our students in their learning, but I think we've got that fixed now.
1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?
I was the facilitator this week. Kaleo and I had Question 1 and Shannon and Makana had Question 2. Shannon reserved our meeting time. Makana did the SLO form.
2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
I facilitated for our current event, helped come up with SLO suggestions, and brainstormed with the group about our PBL lesson plan subject and grade level.
3. What worked well this week?
We all knew a little more about what we were supposed to get done this week as opposed to last week's craziness. Shannon did well taking charge while Makana and Kaleo were encouraging and kept us on track.
4. What will you do differently next time.
I think we definitely should get started earlier in the week if possible to be sure that we have everything done by the end of the week.
This is an article that is sort of like a lesson plan that I found on scholastic.com. Student Led Parent Teacher Conference This lesson plan shows teachers a way to have students be more involved with their PT conferences. This teacher is a supporter of student led parent teacher conferences because it helps relieve students' anxiety, lets the student reflect and be responsible for their academic progress, helps students develop better speaking skills, and might help increase parental involvement/attendance to the conferences. Basically, this teacher lets students use PowerPoint to show how they feel they are doing. They give themselves a letter grade on life skills that are used in class (i.e. - focus, respect, following directions, responsibility, etc.). Students are also allowed to list their strengths and moments they are proud of and they are allowed to ask for help from their parents and teacher (i.e. - they don't feel like they are really good at reading and would like extra help). Our group liked this article because one of us actually experienced a student led parent teacher conference where their child prepared a speech and showed their work. They were more comfortable because they were able to show Mom their work and weren't as anxious about the conference.
1. What roles did the members of your team have this week? Shannon was the leader of our group this week. Kaleo, Makana, and I weren't given specific roles. 2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to the group? I was given the task of finding out what I could about PBL and then posting a little bit of what I found on my group's Google Document. 3. What worked well this week? Shannon was a great leader and put everything together after we all found some information on PBL. 4. What will you do differently next time? My group was a little confused regarding what the assignment was, so we were a tad disorganized. Next time, we'll work it together so we all know what we're doing and hopefully be more organized.
Having completed this review of a web 2.0 tool would you use this tool in your classroom?
I would use learner.org in my classroom. It has so many instructional videos that students can watch on their own and develop their independent learning while I am helping other students who need the extra help.
Prior to this activity, how did you typically select website or tools to use?
I normally would just Google what I needed to find.
Do you have any ideas, comments or feedback on improving the web 2.0 tool selection process?
I honestly can't think of anything I'd change. The site is well organized, you can search based on grade level, subject, or audience (students or teachers).
The article Group 2 Pueo chose for this week's current event is a blog from Education Week that talks about teachers trying to be innovative and creative at the same time students are graded on standardized tests that leave no room for creativity. Some thoughts from our group included that teachers shouldn't only teach so their students are able to pass the standardized tests, but also teach them to be creative, think outside the box, and learn to be more creative in general. It is hard for students to express themselves creatively because the standardized tests have almost eliminated it completely. We as teachers need to balance teaching our students to pass tests (because that is how success is currently measured) as well as teach them to be creative and innovative. Trying to be Innovative During a Standardized Time
Prior to this activity I had not used Screenr and only had a rudimentary understanding of Twitter. But I have to say, Screenr is a lot of fun (even though I sound really weird in my presentation). I can see various applications that teachers of all age groups can use it for. Take elementary school for instance, a teacher may have students show how to navigate a website or demonstrate how to put books on hold at the library. An intermediate or high school teacher could have students do something similar to what we did or have them make tutorials on how to use Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, PowerPoint, iTunes, and more. Teachers can use it to demonstrate math concepts, have a specific set of instructions for assignments (so they can save paper/printing materials), or show students anything relevant to their studies. The possibilities are endless!
I am still working on managing my personal learning network to be more efficient, but I am learning so much about the technology out there and what we as future teachers can do to help our students. Having a refined personal learning network would be extremely valuable to a new teacher. There are so many resources out there and just being able to filter some of it would be very helpful to new teachers.
So for Week #3's Current Event, my group chose this video is of a second grade teacher using technology to get students excited about math. Using games or technology is a great way to teach children since it's something "fun" and also educational. In the video, the teacher also mentions that since it is mainly independent work, he can go around and give extra help to those who need it. The students are able to work at their own pace and the computer games also serve as another teacher in a way because it gives students immediate feedback on their work. This is a good way to teach visual and mathematical learners because they are seeing the math problems and are able to work them out. It's almost like having a teacher for each student! This specific class also used things like individual white boards (for the students to work out problems on), iPads, and tablets in addition to the computer programs. See Video Here
Friday, August 24, 2012
ED. 279 - Self Introduction
Hello everyone! My name is Kristi Fuchikami and this is my third year @ LCC.
(This is a picture of my siblings and I while we were visiting our grandparents. I'm the one in the middle).
I love using computers for everything from keeping in touch with friends and family (via email, chat, or Facebook) to making slideshows of the different activities I've done to writing essays and assignments for school.
I honestly enjoy doing group projects because it helps everyone to get to know their classmates better. I'll do my best to help my group accomplish whatever task we are given. I am generally good with emails and check them at least every other day. I can be a leader or a follower. As for skills and traits, I've used Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and know how to use Windows Media to make a video.
I found this video of teachers emphasizing the importance of using technology in the classroom for various reasons. I like this video because they make the point that using technology as a tool can help reach different students (i.e. shy students are able to express themselves via a blog post or video whereas they might not answer questions in class or like to present a speech).
I hope to get to know you all as the Fall semester continues.